1. Canadians were biased and favored certain groups

This is the number one reason because this is how Canada decided whether to allow certain groups to immigrate. Even major global events like WWII did not influence Canadian immigration policies as in just 5 years after the war, the majority of Canadians preferred Germans as immigrants over Asians and Africans. Many Canadians at the time considered certain racial or culture groups inferior and disdained them, this was apparent through the immigration policies at the time.

2. In 1947, PM Mackenzie King created the first immigration policy post WWII. It stated that Canada will accept any immigrant, granted that it wouldn’t change the fundamental structure of Canada and/or overpopulate Canada

This is the second major factor in changing Canadian immigration policies as this really opened up Canada to immigration. MAny  immigrated to Canada in the post World War II era because due to the aftermath of WWII. At that time Canada was a developing country and they need labors while other countries were still war torn so coming to Canada would not only give them better job opportunities but a better life in general.

3. World War II

This definitely was a huge factor because the events of World War II left many countries damaged and the quality of life in those countries were really poor. From their point view Canada was a good place to live and had better job opportunities.Without WWII we would definitely not see the amount of immigrants that came to Canada at that time.

Massive amounts of displaced persons were created through the war

This was a major factor as before WWII Canada had always grudgingly accepted refugees, if at all. There was much public opposition against refugees. However after the war for the first time in Canadian history, Canada actually welcomed refugees, and it accepted hundreds of thousands of displaced persons. This is partly due to a need for labor and also partly due to changing public opinions. This would be the first step in Canada’s refugee policy.

5. Canada became very industrial through WWII,

This is the fifth reason is because after world war 2 the economic boom that ensued resulted in a shortage of workers by late 1946 the shortage was such that many industries including mining agriculture and lumbering were lobbying the government for a relax Action of immigration policies. With such a dire need of workers Canada really opened its arms towards immigrants.

 A group of Dutch immigrants


 Many factories were built to create arms for the war, these were converted to build consumer goods after the war